Ruth parasol sexy

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Her father immigrated to Israel when he was 14, lived at Kibbutz Ein Harod, but emigrated to the US immediately after completing his military service. Ruth Monica Parasol (45) was born in San Francisco to Richard Parasol, a Polish-born Holocaust survivor, and Guna, a Swede, and is the eldest of their three daughters. 'Besides Galei Tchelet Street, which is a whole other category, there are five streets considered good and very expensive: Kaplan Street, Hamaapilim Street, Havatzelet Hasharon Street, and Arie Ben-Eliezer Street,' he said.įoreign resident buys Jerusalem house for NIS 28m Real estate agent Uri Tal, who specializes in the area, said that Kaplan Street was one of the most desirable streets in Herzliya Pituah. Parasol's house is not on the first water line, but 500 meters from the beach. Kaplan Street is north of Galei Tchelet Street, considered Israel's most expensive street in view of past residential transactions on it. The house was built in 2004 by the previous owners, a Belgian family, which demolished the previous house on it, that dated from 1955. Ruth Parasol, the founder of the world's largest online gaming company, PartyGaming, has bought a 1,000-square meter ten-room house on a 1,500-square meter lot at 101 Kaplan Street in Herzliya Pituah for NIS 71.68 million.

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The California-born founder of PartyGaming, who has Israeli citizenship from her father, has moved to Israel.

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